Wildlife Conservation: Elephant Calf Rescued from Poacher’s Snare and Reunited with Its Herd

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Wildlife Conservation: Elephant Calf Rescued from Poacher’s Snare and Reunited with Its Herd

Collaborative Conservation Efforts in the Zambezi National Park

In the expansive wilderness of the Zambezi National Park, Old Drift Pro Guide, Vusa Sibanda, discovered a distressing scene that would set in motion a remarkable and heart-warming tale of heroic conservation efforts. Within a tight-knit herd of approximately 15 elephants, a young calf was found in a desperate plight, ensnared by a wire snare that had inflicted deep and painful wounds around its neck.

While poachers mostly target antelope and other smaller game, the snares are indiscriminate. The crude, noose-like traps often maim or kill non-targeted animals such as lions, giraffes and in this case, a baby elephant. 

Vusa called Leslie, the Old Drift Lodge manager on duty at the time, and Les wasted no time in reaching out to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust, urgently seeking their assistance. The Trust’s dedicated team has successfully freed hundreds of snared animals, including giraffes, buffaloes, lions, hyenas, elephants, kudus, waterbucks, warthogs, and impalas. They arrived at the scene, ready to embark on a challenging rescue mission.

The very nature of snares makes them nearly impossible to remove; the harder an animal pulls, the tighter the snare gets, and rescuing a trapped baby elephant within a protective elephant herd is a complex and risky endeavour.

To minimize potential danger from the anxious mother during the rescue, the mother and calf were simultaneously darted with a sedative.

The injured calf sought solace closer to its mother, and one of the quick-thinking guides manoeuvred a vehicle to gently guide the mother away, ensuring the safety of the rescue team and the vulnerable calf.

Once the calf was safely immobilized, the team carefully approached, skilfully removing the wire snare that had inflicted so much pain. With utmost care and precision, they treated the wounds before reversing the sedative’s effects. As the baby elephant regained consciousness, it instinctively tried to reunite with its mother, but a protective sibling intervened, shielding her tranquillized mother from any harm.

As the sedatives wore off and both elephants awakened, the emotional climax of this remarkable rescue unfolded as the mother and calf were reunited. With their wounds tended to and their spirits rekindled, they rejoined the rest of the herd, who had remained close by, protectively observing the entire operation.

This incredible rescue mission would not have been possible without the heroic efforts of individuals like Adrian Read, Vusa Sibanda, the support of Zimparks, the dedication of Les and Old Drift Lodge, and the unwavering commitment of The Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust.

Small Actions Create Huge Change: How You Can Support the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust

Since its inception, the Trust has tirelessly worked to remove snares from National Parks areas in the Victoria Falls region and rescue wildlife trapped by the contraptions. Each rescue mission requires drugs, medications, sterile equipment, sampling supplies, as well as personnel and vehicle/aerial support. The drugs and equipment used to remove the snare from 1 elephant cost approximately USD $250.00. If you would like to support their rescue missions, you can make a donation on their website. Find out more here: https://vicfallswildlifetrust.org

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